Monday, September 25, 2017

Distilled Water

We humans love to complicate things. We take very simple concepts, like love for example, and we apply all kinds of conditions and qualifications to it. God's command is simple. Love.

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ - Matthew 22:36-39

There's no conditions present. There are no buts or yeah-buts. We are commanded to love. Pure and simple.

Speaking of "pure". A year or so ago my wife was having trouble with her iron. The steam wasn't coming out when she pushed the button to make hot steam come out. She asked me to take a look at it. I noticed a build up of mineral deposits around the steam vent. I suggested using pure, distilled water to make the steam - water that had all of the minerals removed from it. Problem solved.

There is a saying, "The devil is in the details." That's true. I think we are better off keeping things simple.

There was some talk about September 23rd and the Revelation 12 prophesy. I wrote a story about it. Constellations and stars lined up, just like in the prophesy. My summation in that story was simple. Let's keep it simple. We must be ready, whenever Jesus returns. That's it. Forget about dates and times. Our job is not in the details. We get hung up on all of the details to the point where we can lose our focus on the important things. Like being ready!

I watch all these football players on television, protesting; taking a knee during the national anthem. They are protesting details in their lives by kneeling against a song about freedom - the very thing that gave them right to do what they are doing. Keep it simple guys. Distill things down to the basics. The national anthem isn't the problem. If you feel oppressed somehow, or wronged by someone, go talk to them personally. And on your way to talk to them, read Matthew 22:36-39 over and over again until it sinks in.

I see all these "religious channels" on television.  It seems like everyone has their own version of "Christianity". There is only one Gospel. Anything else needs to be distilled out. Jesus in Living Water. Any other message just brings impurities into the picture, clogging up the truth.

People say that Christianity is too exclusive. They're missing the point. They're confused by all of the details. ALL are welcome at the foot of the cross.

37 On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! 38 Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” - John 7:37-38

Are you thirsty? Try drinking PURE water. LIVING water. You will find that water never tasted so good.

All Who Are Thirsty - Kutless

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